
Looking for space for your
small business?


The types of businesses we are looking to connect with are those that contribute to the community of Downtown Las Vegas. We are particularly looking for businesses that will provide the kinds of services that Downtown residents need to create a live, work, play environment in our neighborhood. We prefer owner-operated businesses that reflect the unique personality of the emerging Downtown rather than chains or franchises. We also have a limited number of office space available.


Fill out the form below with all the information we will need to assess your idea and help it come to fruition. We look forward to seeing your submission and feeling your passion and will be contacting you in the near future!


Note: As a result of high demand Downtown Container Park is often 100 % leased, however we are always accepting applications for new tenants. If you are interested in being considered for a future vacancy in the Park, please submit the application to be placed on our waiting list.

    Please keep in mind that all available spaces in Downtown Container Park are approximately 250 ft2.


    Name *

    Email Address *

    Contact Number *

    Company Name *